Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital

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Specializations: Orthopedic Surgeon, Sports Medicine Physician
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Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital is an Orthopedic Surgeon in San Francisco, California, providing healthcare services to over 72400 residents in ZIP code 94110 (Mission District). This clinic is located in highly dense area, and offers medical services in the fields of " sports medicine physician, orthopedic surgeon, and related care" in the San Francisco county.

Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital has the title of Doctor of Medicine (MD), which signifies that they have completed extensive training in the field of medicine and are licensed to diagnose and treat medical conditions.

Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital has the general title of Doctor (Dr), which can apply to a variety of fields, signifying a high level of expertise and educational achievement.

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2460 Mission St

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Map & Location

On the map, you'll find the specific location of the healthcare facility - identified as Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital - at its exact street address (2460 Mission St). Utilize the links below to effortlessly explore and compare doctors within the "Orthopedic Surgeon" category in your vicinity. Additionally, the option to view Orthopedic Surgeon in San Francisco directly on the map is a preferred choice for many.
Identifier Type Value
CBSA FIPS Code 41860
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA
County FIPS Codes 6075
County Names San Francisco
Combined Statistical Area (CSA) San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA
Time Zone America/Los_Angeles

Opening Hours: Call

Currently, Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital has not specified any office hours, business hours, or opening times for his practice in San Francisco, San Francisco county. This information might be crucial for planning your visit or consultation. However, you can directly reach out to Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital for more detailed information or to schedule an appointment. If you need to get in touch, please feel free to call at +1 650-366-4585.

Youtube Video

Although Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital has not published any YouTube videos, it's possible that there are related videos available directly on YouTube. Regardless, the owner of this profile can always update this profile to add interesting presentation or educational videos, enhancing his online presence in the medical field.
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Social Media & This Clinic

  • Facebook Profile:

    Explore this clinic on Facebook under the name "Dr.Bruce.Ellison.MD". The Facebook community is vibrant, offering regular updates on health education, live Q&A sessions with doctors, and patient testimonials that showcase real-life experiences and recoveries. This platform is a great resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of the clinic's services and community involvement.

  • LinkedIn Company:

    Discover this clinic on LinkedIn under "https:www.linkedin.comindr bruce e ellison md 4a6aa3b". The LinkedIn page focuses on professional networking and industry insights, highlighting innovations in medical treatments and achievements of the expert staff. It is an ideal place for potential employees, collaborators, and patients interested in the professional side of healthcare services.

  • Twitter Profile:

    Follow "bruceellisonmd" on Twitter for the latest updates and health tips directly from the clinic. Tweets cover upcoming health camps, seasonal health alerts, and daily wellness advice. It's perfect for those who want to stay informed on the go with quick, easily digestible health news and updates.

  • Instagram Profile:

    Visit "dr.bruce.ellison.md" on Instagram to see a visual story of the clinic's daily activities, from patient care to community outreach programs. The Instagram feed brings followers closer to the heartwarming stories of patients and the dedicated team, with beautiful imagery and inspiring stories.

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Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital : Orthopedic Surgeon / California / San Francisco / 94110
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Yes, you can book an appointment (+1 650-366-4585) with Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital online today.
Below you will find all the communication options available with doctors at this clinic. The entire process is very simple, secure, and most importantly, free. If you have any questions before making a reservation, feel free to ask here. You'll receive a response directly from the doctor, a staff member of the Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital clinic, a former client of the facility, or one of our trained representatives. We are here to assist you.
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Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital prefers to communicate via the telephone number: +1 650-366-4585. You can use this contact to arrange a visit at the address 2460 Mission St, San Francisco, CA. If you're looking for additional contact options and methods, view the full profile here, check the exact location on the map or try official website of this clinic, and book an appointment online.
Dr Bruce E Ellison Md Orthopedic Surgery Offices Near Sequoia Hospital And El Camino Hospital is actively engaged across several social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Instagram. This diverse online presence allows for multiple avenues to connect with and explore the wide range of services related to Orthopedic Surgeon and insights they offer.
Demographic & Economic Insights Data for 94110
Disability Rate

Percentage of residents with disabilities, influencing healthcare accessibility.

Uninsured Rate

Indicates the percentage of residents without health insurance, a critical factor in healthcare provision.

Male Population

Percentage of residents who identify as male, useful for gender-specific health services planning.

Female Population

Percentage of residents who identify as female, important for specialized healthcare services.

Median Age

The median age helps in understanding the age distribution of the population for age-related healthcare planning.

37.3 years
Population Aged 70-79

Important for planning geriatric and senior services.

Median Commute Time

Provides insight into daily routines and potential stress factors affecting residents' health.

32.4 min
Average Family Size

Gives an idea about household size, relevant for family healthcare needs and services.


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